的承受着身体与心灵上的双重折磨。妈妈应该要回去的,应该回到属于她的国家,受到该有的保护。留在这里,不仅当地妇女协会帮不上,就连警察也只能管得了一时,几天的囚禁和警告,非凡没用,回来后,只会让爸爸怒意更浓的将怨气撒在妈妈身上。今夜,家家户户都围在一起温馨的迎着佳节,而她们娘俩,就只是安静的坐在餐桌前吃着饭。尽管妈妈极力掩饰着自己的情绪,满目笑意的将做好的南瓜派递到女孩眼前,女孩也仍是开心不起来。往常,妈妈亲手做的香甜可口的南瓜派,一向都是她的最爱,但此刻,女孩吃在嘴里,却怎么都感觉不到香。“CeCe,
are
there
any
classes
tomorrow”(CeCe,明天还有课吗?)女孩摇了摇头,轻声回道:“No.
Tomorrow
is
Christmas.
The
teacher
said
there
is
a
one-day
holiday.
We
will
study
new
courses
the
day
after
tomorrow.(没有,明天圣诞节,老师说放假一天,后天要学习新的课程。)杨露点点头,抬手将女儿凌乱至脸颊的碎发别到耳后,“If
you
are
too
tired,
take
a
few
days
off.
But
the
winter
vacation
homework
still
needs
to
be
done.(如果太累就停几天,寒假作业也要写。)“Its
okay,
Mom.
havent
fallen
behind.
New
courses
are
coming
up
soon
and
dont
really
want
to
take
a
break.”(没事的妈妈,我没有落下,马上就要学习新的课程了,我不太想停。)“OK.
Then
just
make
sure
you
adjust
your
study
sched